We stock a wide range of industry standard, off-the-shelf PPE & workwear which we can personalise with names or company branding. All items conform to industry standards and are manufactured to the highest standard.
We stock a wide range of industry standard, off-the-shelf PPE & workwear which we can personalise with names or company branding. All items conform to industry standards and are manufactured to the highest standard.
We stock a wide range of industry standard, off-the-shelf PPE & workwear which we can personalise with names or company branding. All items conform to industry standards and are manufactured to the highest standard.
Please select the account to use below
Please select the account to use below
{{ product.item_name }}
Product Code: {{ product.item_sku }}
Customer Product Code: {{ product.customer_product_code }}
Pack size:
{{ product.item_pack }}
Minimum quantity {{ product.item_minimum_order }}
(increments of {{ product.item_multiple_qty }})
Minimum order quantity {{ product.item_minimum_order }}
Maximum order quantity {{ product.item_maximum_order }}
Price: £{{ product.item_price }}
{{ badge.badge_text || ' ' }}
- + | £{{ product.item_line_total }} |
Location | Stock | |
{{location.warehouse}} | {{location.quantity}} |
{{ location.warehouse }} | ({{ restockMessage }}: {{ location.due_date }}) | {{ location.quantity }} {{ baseUOM }} In Stock |
{{ location.address }}
View store page{{reason}}
{{{ product.item_description }}}
Product Code: {{product.item_sku || ''}}