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TANNAS Safety & Infection Control




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Covid_19_products_hero_banner Covid_19_products_hero_banner

With lockdown easing and life returns back to some form of normal, we have been working relentlessly with our supply chain to bring you the very best in protective and preventative supplies to protect you and your loved ones. Whether you need Masks or Sanitising gel we are here to help and supply these products to you and your business quickly and safely.

If you don’t find what you need here then please contact the team on 020 8459 0521 where we will be glad to offer you our assistance. 

46 products found
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Medipal Wipes 70% Alcohol Tub 200
Pal TX Surface Disinfectant Wipes Bucket 1500 Wipes
Techniclean 250ml Hand Sanitising Spray
Relisan 70% Alcohol Hand Sanitiser Gel 500l
AzoMax™ Cleaning & Disinfection Wipes 200
Azowipe Wipette 70% Isopropyl Wipes tub 100
2Work Disinfectant Wipes (Pack of 500) CPD24700
Unframed Protective Desk / Counter Screen 500 x 850
Protective Screen with Clamp Brackets 680 x 516
Protective Screen with Clamp Brackets 1050 x 516
Tannas Hand Gel 70% 500ml
Antibacterial 70% Alcohol Probe Wipes (Pack of 200)
2Work Antibacterial Alcohol Hand Wipes Unfragranced (Pack of 50) 2W03485
2Work Conditioning Antibacterial Handwash 5 Litre Bulk Bottle 2W03975
2Work Disinfectant and Deodoriser Fresh Pine 5 Litre 2W03986
2Work Bactericidal Cleaner Disinfectant Deodoriser Lemon 5 Litre 2W85444
ValueX Bulk Fill Soap Dispenser Plastic White 0602068
ValueX Viakal Descaler Spray Bottle 750ml 1005001
Domestos Bleach 5 Litre - 1016005
CIF Cream Cleaner Lemon Multi-Surface 500ml 1005046
Carex Original Antibacterial Hand Wash Pump Top Bottle 250ml (Pack 6) 604333
Tannas Antibacterial Hand Wash 5l
AF PC-Clene Cleaning Wipes Tub (Pack 100) PCC100
AF Phoneclene Hygienic Wipes Tub (Pack 100) PHC100T
Meixin FFP3V Cup Mask - pack of 5
Vegas Safety Spectacles Wraparound
Cotton Face Mask
EcoTech White Patient Cleansing Wipes (Pack of 150) EBPC150
Deb Stoko Proline Soap Dispenser 1 Litre White WHB1LDS
Moldex 2400 FFP2 Mask (Pack 20) Classic FFP2 Masks
Tannas Antibacterial Spray 500 assorted scents
Tannas Hand Sanitiser Gel 70% 5L
Tannas Enveloped Virus Disinfectant and Multi Surface Cleaner
Tannas Enveloped Virus Disinfectant and Multisurface cleaner 5L
Tannas pelican pump
Greensheild Anti Viral Handy Wipes pk 15
Total 46 products
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COVID-19 Protection:


With lockdown measures starting to be relaxed, we want to ensure you have everything you need to stay protected for your return to work and maintain a safe workplace.

From hand sanitisers to masks and gloves, we’ve got 100s of items in stock, ready for delivery. If you can’t see the item you require, just give us a call and we’ll help you out.
*Please note that due to high demand, products may vary from image.


TANNAS_2020_COVID19_Product_Catalogue - Download Brochure



Be Socially Safe:


Provide a constant reminder to visitors to your premises with our wide selection of social distancing and safety signage.

Social Distancing and Safety Signs are a simple way to communicate instructions to personnel, visitors or service providers, whether in retail, commercial, services, manufacturing, logistics or any other industry, about the need to maintain strong social distancing practices by providing clear, easy to read directives for all to see.


TANNAS_Social_Distancing_Brochure_2020_July - Download Brochure



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Hand_SanitisersGlovesFace_maskSanitiser_dispenserTissues_and_Towels  Cleaners_and_Disinfectants  Protective_screens   Social_Distance_Signs_TapesAntibacterial_Wipes Bins_Bags_Sacks

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Covid_19_products_hero_banner Covid_19_products_hero_banner

With lockdown easing and life returns back to some form of normal, we have been working relentlessly with our supply chain to bring you the very best in protective and preventative supplies to protect you and your loved ones. Whether you need Masks or Sanitising gel we are here to help and supply these products to you and your business quickly and safely.

If you don’t find what you need here then please contact the team on 020 8459 0521 where we will be glad to offer you our assistance. 

TANNAS Safety & Infection Control




COVID-19 Protection:


With lockdown measures starting to be relaxed, we want to ensure you have everything you need to stay protected for your return to work and maintain a safe workplace.

From hand sanitisers to masks and gloves, we’ve got 100s of items in stock, ready for delivery. If you can’t see the item you require, just give us a call and we’ll help you out.
*Please note that due to high demand, products may vary from image.


TANNAS_2020_COVID19_Product_Catalogue - Download Brochure





Be Socially Safe:


Provide a constant reminder to visitors to your premises with our wide selection of social distancing and safety signage.

Social Distancing and Safety Signs are a simple way to communicate instructions to personnel, visitors or service providers, whether in retail, commercial, services, manufacturing, logistics or any other industry, about the need to maintain strong social distancing practices by providing clear, easy to read directives for all to see.


TANNAS_Social_Distancing_Brochure_2020_July - Download Brochure

46 products found
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Medipal Wipes 70% Alcohol Tub 200
Pal TX Surface Disinfectant Wipes Bucket 1500 Wipes
Techniclean 250ml Hand Sanitising Spray
Relisan 70% Alcohol Hand Sanitiser Gel 500l
AzoMax™ Cleaning & Disinfection Wipes 200
Azowipe Wipette 70% Isopropyl Wipes tub 100
2Work Disinfectant Wipes (Pack of 500) CPD24700
Unframed Protective Desk / Counter Screen 500 x 850
Protective Screen with Clamp Brackets 680 x 516
Protective Screen with Clamp Brackets 1050 x 516
Tannas Hand Gel 70% 500ml
Antibacterial 70% Alcohol Probe Wipes (Pack of 200)
2Work Antibacterial Alcohol Hand Wipes Unfragranced (Pack of 50) 2W03485
2Work Conditioning Antibacterial Handwash 5 Litre Bulk Bottle 2W03975
2Work Disinfectant and Deodoriser Fresh Pine 5 Litre 2W03986
2Work Bactericidal Cleaner Disinfectant Deodoriser Lemon 5 Litre 2W85444
ValueX Bulk Fill Soap Dispenser Plastic White 0602068
ValueX Viakal Descaler Spray Bottle 750ml 1005001
Domestos Bleach 5 Litre - 1016005
CIF Cream Cleaner Lemon Multi-Surface 500ml 1005046
Carex Original Antibacterial Hand Wash Pump Top Bottle 250ml (Pack 6) 604333
Tannas Antibacterial Hand Wash 5l
AF PC-Clene Cleaning Wipes Tub (Pack 100) PCC100
AF Phoneclene Hygienic Wipes Tub (Pack 100) PHC100T
Meixin FFP3V Cup Mask - pack of 5
Vegas Safety Spectacles Wraparound
Cotton Face Mask
EcoTech White Patient Cleansing Wipes (Pack of 150) EBPC150
Deb Stoko Proline Soap Dispenser 1 Litre White WHB1LDS
Moldex 2400 FFP2 Mask (Pack 20) Classic FFP2 Masks
Tannas Antibacterial Spray 500 assorted scents
Tannas Hand Sanitiser Gel 70% 5L
Tannas Enveloped Virus Disinfectant and Multi Surface Cleaner
Tannas Enveloped Virus Disinfectant and Multisurface cleaner 5L
Tannas pelican pump
Greensheild Anti Viral Handy Wipes pk 15
Total 46 products
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Hand_SanitisersGlovesFace_maskSanitiser_dispenserTissues_and_Towels  Cleaners_and_Disinfectants  Protective_screens   Social_Distance_Signs_TapesAntibacterial_Wipes Bins_Bags_Sacks